Thursday, April 28, 2016

Affirmations Everywhere!

The powers that be must have known that I needed to experience some irrefutable affirmations in the work I do, because I have been receiving so many sychronicities, and what I can only call “evidence,” that even the most skeptical part of me is floored.
Yes, I keep a very healthy, skeptical eye on this hypnosis work. How can I not? I have clients who have driven space ships on pink planets, six-foot tall green or brown praying mantis beings loading boxes of crystals for shipment, mermaids, forest fairies, little boys hiding in pyramids during sacred rituals, a gentle giant from the Inner Earth with no friends…do I need to go on? And those are just the most unbelievable ones. I’ve also had clients in almost every war on our planet…fighting, killing, being killed…giving birth…avalanches and tsunamis…love in palaces and be-headings. Dolphins, talkative fish, whales, trees, bees, even grains of sand who have meaningful lives. (read more...)

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